🚧 Still under progress. Soon will be finished.




The result of a class node after being serialized


Name Type Description
name string

The name of the class

line number

The start line number where the class is defined

kind DeclarationKind.Class

The declaration kind

properties readonly Field[]

The instance properties of the class

staticProperties readonly Field[]

The static properties of the class

methods readonly Method[]

The instance methods of the class

staticMethods readonly Method[]

The static methods of the class

jsDoc CommentPart[]

The JSDoc

typeParameters readonly TypeParameter[]

The type parameters

heritage readonly ExpressionWithTypeArguments[]

The heritage chain

decorators readonly Decorator[]

The class decorators

constructors readonly FunctionSignature[]

The class constructors

abstract boolean

Whether the class is abstract or not

namespace string

The namespace name where the class is defined (empty string if there is no namespace)

customElement boolean

Whether the class is a custom element or not